September 30, 2012

Meal plans: week of October 1 and other concerns

Monday: Black bean burgers
Tuesday: Apple cinnamon chicken (thanks Clint!)
Wednesday: Mcnellie's burger special
Thursday: lentil soup
Friday: steak fajitas
Saturday: left intentionally blank for possible fun!

I am starting to get antsy over this cooler weather coming up... I want to start making caramel corn, homemade vanilla extract, limoncello, and apple butter. Other holiday gifts have started to materialize... :) My guestroom, office and master bedroom need some attention before the holidays get too hectic, but I don't want to unpack too much especially if we decide to move again in 9 months (that's when the lease is up, and our landlord is not too keen on the whole "keeping things nice" approach to home ownership).

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