July 28, 2011

Super-helpful girl to the rescue!!!

Zach and I totally forgot about making a blueberry dessert topping last night for his ice cream social at work today, and fortunately, my work schedule for the day got flopped around, so I was able to make the topping today! Hooray!!!

Martha Stewart is one crafty gal, and she provided an easy, tasty recipe.

1 pint blueberries (about 2 1/2 cups. I used a bag of frozen berries, and it worked out great. )
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup sugar

Heat your butter in a saucepan. Add berries and sugar, cook on med-low heat until berries start releasing juices, or about 2 minutes. (I went a little longer since mine were frozen) Serve warm over ice cream. :)

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